All right, ladies, gents, and others. I’m back, and I brought donuts!

All right, ladies, gents, and others. I’m back, and I brought donuts!
First of all, it’s National Grilled Cheese Day! Scroll down for more amazing grilled cheese (and grilled cheese inspired) recipes! Preggy Update: 34 Weeks Man, …
Did you know there’s an International Bacon Day? Well, now you do, and your life will be richer for it. We drooled over saw this …
[This post is sponsored by the Food Wine Conference! I got a discount on the 2017 conference for posting honestly about my experiences and tweeting …
I love many things about cooking. I love that it can be precise, ingredients like puzzle pieces. I love that it can be experimental. It can …
Thanksgiving is over but the turkey’s still going. Anyone else in that boat? It’s turkey leftovers tonight and a turkey leftover recipe on deck and …
When digging around for recipe ideas, it occurred to me that I’ve done some very practical dishes lately–meals that make leftovers and are slow cooker …
The first thunderstorm of the summer is going on outside, and it is lovely. We live in Orlando, smack in the middle of Florida (but about …
Okay. I set out to write a post about bacon-cheddar stuffed burgers, with some chips on the side, and I ended up waxing eloquent about …
My mom is probably going to fall off her chair when she sees that I voluntarily ate Brussels sprouts. You would too, if they looked …